Art, Drama, and Music Therapy - Service Users Film project

As part of our NHSE Commission, the British Association of Art Therapy (BAAT), the British Association of Dramatherapists (BADth) and the British Association of Music Therapy (BAMT) are making films to promote the benefits of Art, Drama, and Music Therapy to the general public. This is where we need you!

So many service users got in touch to join our focus groups, we were sorry not to involve more of you. This is why we have this opportunity, we want to hear directly from service users of Art, Drama, and Music Therapy.

We want to include a range of service user voices in our films – after all, your experiences are what really matters and will help explain how our professions can benefit people like you, across the UK. We want more people to understand what Art, Drama, and Music Therapy is.

So, what are we asking for?

  • We are asking you to send in a voice note via Whatsapp, it should be no longer than 1-3 minutes long.
  • Complete the short consent form here, and at the end you will be given the contact number to send your voice recording to.
  • We also welcome voice notes from parents or partners of those who have undergone Art, Drama, or Music Therapy, who may otherwise be unable to explain their own experience. We welcome your insight to help best describe the impact the therapies have had on those most close to you.

Deadline: 30 September to receive voice notes/recordings

Where will my voicenote be used?

Voice recordings will be edited together in films, one after the another, so that the public may hear a range of experiences and voices, to better understand Art/Drama/Music Therapy.

Unfortunately we will not be able to include everyone’s voice recording in our films.

What do we want to hear in your recording?

In your own words:

  • What does Art/Drama/Music Therapy mean to you?
    What have been the biggest rewards you have gained from Art/Drama/Music Therapy?
  • What have you found challenging with Art/Drama/Music therapy? Have any of these challenges lead to a positive outcome?
  • Who do you think would benefit from Art/Drama/Music Therapy?
  • Did Art/Drama/Music Therapy exceed your expectations?
  • How necessary is it to be trained or skilled in art/drama/music to benefit from Art/Drama/Music Therapy?

Please note, you don’t have to answer all these questions – we would really love to hear your thoughts on the ones you feel most passionate about, and the things you think are the most important to say.

Thank you for taking the time to get involved, please fill in the consent form below and when completed you will be given the contact number to send your voice recording to.

Complete the consent form