NHS England project awarded to support the development of art, drama, and music therapy

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a contract by NHS England to deliver a series of projects to support the development of art, drama and music therapy. The project is part of the wider Allied Health Professionals Professional Bodies Education Reform Commission.
The British Association of Art Therapists will be hosting the work and we will be working closely together with the British Association for Music Therapy (BAMT) and the British Association of Dramatherapists (BADth) to deliver the project outcomes.
The project will include significant engagement with the public, service users, art, drama and music therapists, education providers and employers.
We look forward to working in collaboration to:
- learn more about how people understand our professions and what we do;
- to develop a deeper understanding of what enables and supports service users;
- how to prepare trainees for the realities of the modern workplace;
- and to develop a career framework that can support registrants to understand the opportunities that are available and to realise their dreams.
We’d like to thank NHS England for making this investment in Art, Drama, and Music Therapy and recognising the vital part we play in enabling people from all backgrounds and lived experience to live full, creative and active lives within their family, community and workplaces. We are so excited by the opportunities these projects will bring for collaboration, enabling us to learn from and be inspired by the communities we serve and by one another’s work.
Claire Louise Vaculik
Thank you to Beverley Harden, National AHP Lead and Deputy Chief AHP (England), for her passionate on-going commitment to Art, Drama, and Music Therapy. Thanks also to Paul Chapman and Sharon Kibble from NHS England for their support in embarking upon this work.