BAAT Regional Groups
Regional groups offer a chance for art therapists across the UK to meet through a range of organised activities (lectures, workshops, art groups, reflective practice groups, etc). BAAT funds these activities from members’ subscriptions. Regional groups are an excellent way to network with other Art Therapists and offer free, or very low cost Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities to their members.
To be GDPR-compliant, BAAT has now set up online forums for regional groups. As a BAAT member, you will need to log in to your regional forum to receive news and updates.
Regional group meetings are open to all BAAT members, including trainees and associates. At times, coordinators may decide to hold events for full members only. The regional groups are coordinated by volunteer BAAT members, and all participants are required to follow the BAAT governance for regional groups.
Governance for BAAT regional groups
Below is a list of groups by region and their coordinators.