Annual conference 2024: call for member presentations

We are calling for member presentations for our annual conference 2024 on art therapy and innovation, being held at the Wellcome Collection, 9 November 2024.

The deadline for this has now passed. 

The conference theme

This year’s annual conference will explore the art therapy and innovation. We are calling for art therapists to submit a proposal to present their own examples of practice innovation.

There is a breadth and richness of work that you could present on, including:

  •  fundamental structural change in how a service delivers art therapy
  • individual practitioners working in unexpected settings
  • a change in materials, or a different type of creative process
  • using new technology or AI
  • working with different types of contracts or boundaries
  • articulating things in more inclusive ways or finding new, creative and embodied
  • forms of expressions that convey meaning beyond words.

The innovation may be a very small change, but one that offer enormous benefit: for that person, a group of people or community, a type of practice setting or a whole region.

Submission criteria

Submissions are open to our all our members. You can submit proposals as an individual or as a small group.

We’re inviting proposals for:

  • live, in-person plenary presentations of 30 minutes and;
  • pre-recorded presentations of 15 minutes.

You will need to show their understanding of:

  • what has gone before
    what is considered current practice in the profession
  • and offer a balanced, grounded sense of the advantages and disadvantages of what is being presented – for the many, different people that we support in our communities across the UK and abroad.

You will also need to reflect on who the innovation might support and what it could enable, but also who gets to access this type of work and people or groups that this change might exclude.

All proposals must:

  • have a direct relationship with the conference themes
  • and adhere to the current protocols concerning ethical issues, such as written consent to publish.

Please note: This is not a formal call for academic papers, but a call for our members to submit examples of innovative thinking and practice.

Do not send a recorded or full presentation at this stage – only those shortlisted will be asked to do this. Please complete this form.

Selection process

All proposals will be reviewed by the conference working group. All proposals will all be considered, with a selection chosen that most compliment and expand the themes set out for the day.

There will be up to six presentations chosen to present on the day, including up to two shorter video presentations for those who can’t present in person.

The panel may need to contact you for further information about your proposal. Decisions of the panel will be final, and entries are submitted on the basis that this is understood.

We aim to tell you if you have been successful or not by Friday 26 July.


For any further enquiries please email