Get involved

NHSE Commission: Art, Drama, and Music Therapy
Ways to get involved will be posted here throughout the project

September 2024 – Service Users film opportunity
Calling all Service Users of Art, Drama, and Music therapy!

So many service users got in touch to join our focus groups, we were sorry not to involve more of you. This is why we have this opportunity! We want to hear directly from service users of Art, Drama, and Music Therapy. We want to include a range of service user voices in our films. After all, your experiences are what really matters and will help explain how our professions can benefit people like you. We want more people to understand what Art, Drama, and Music Therapy is, and this is why we want your help!

So, what are we asking for?

  • We are asking you to send in a ‘voice note’ via Whatsapp, it should be no longer than 1-3minutes long.
  • Complete our short consent form, and at the end you will be given the Project Office contact number to send your voice recording to.

DEADLINE: September 30th to receive voice notes/recordings

We also welcome voice notes from parents or partners of those who have undergone Art, Drama, or Music Therapy, who may otherwise be unable to explain their own experience. We welcome your insight to help best describe the impact the therapies have had on those most close to you.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

October 2024 – Focus Group
Calling all Lecturers and workshop facilitators!

As lecturers and workshop facilitators of art, drama, and music therapy, we welcome your involvement. At this focus group we will be presenting insights from our data collection over this commission. We look forward to discussing it with you!

Lecturers & workshop facilitators – 22nd October
online, (time TBC)

To declare your interest and availability to join this focus group, and to better inform our discussion, please complete our form here!
Deadline 30th September. We will finalise our groups, w/c 30th September.

October 2024 – Focus Group
Calling all Practice Educators!

As practice educators of art, drama, and music therapy, we want better insight in to what is working well for you, the issues that arise in your work, and to reflect on what support may be required. We would be interested to know more broadly if there are any additional resources that may be developed by the professional bodies to help you in your valuable work.
At this focus group we will also be presenting insights from our data collection over this commission. We look forward to discussing it with you!

Practice Educators, mixed modalities – 21st October
online, (time TBC)

To declare your interest and availability to join this focus group, and to better inform our discussion, please complete our form here! *
Deadline 30th September. We will finalise our groups, w/c 30th September.

*Please note that unfortunately, it is unlikely that we will be able to include everyone who is interested to participate, but your interest will be thoughtfully considered to ensure we have a range of voices and experiences involved across art, drama, and music therapy.
-Each professional body will endeavour to make contact with their profession’s practice educators to arrange a forum for a wider discussion with colleagues, to help inform this mixed modality focus group.


August 2024 – Focus Group
Calling all Trainees! Paid, online Focus Groups, and Free Training!  – Now completed!

Free, online training:
We are organising a free online training day on the 29th August for Art, Drama, and Music therapy trainee reps. Sign up now and become a representative! This training will allow you to go on to facilitate focus groups confidently and enable you to take part in important research for this commission and beyond.

Paid Trainee focus groups:
The project is also running paid 1x hour focus groups of trainees on Monday 2nd September. These focus groups are modality specific, so that you will be discussing and reviewing the NHSE Commission’s latest trainee surveys with your peers, applicable to the profession you will be entering. These focus groups will be run by the confirmed trainee reps.

Online training day for Trainee Reps – 29th August, all-day, online – Complete! Thank you to our new trainee reps!

Art Therapy Trainees Focus Group – 2nd September, 1pm-2pm, online – Fully subscribed, Thank you!
Dramatherapy Trainees Focus Group – 2nd September, 10am-11am online – Fully subscribed, Thank you!
Music Therapy Trainees Focus Group – 2nd September, 3.30pm-4.30pm online – Fully subscribed, Thank you!

Spaces are limited – so get in touch asap to get involved! – DEADLINE: Friday 30th August
NB. trainee reps must be available to lead the 1x hour focus group

August 2024 – Focus Group
Calling all Service Users! Paid, online Focus Groups – Now completed!

We want to hear your experience of Art, Drama, and Music Therapy. Why and how you found it, what it’s been like for you, how it may have helped, and/or any concerns or issues you may have. Contribute to our discussion this month!

There is no need to travel, our Focus Group are all online, and sensitively chaired by a creative arts health expert. Your participation will directly benefit the profession and most importantly, help future Service Users!

Art Therapy Service Users – 27th August, 12-1pm, online – Complete, thank you to those involved!
Dramatherapy Service Users – 28th August, 12-1pm, online – Complete, thank you to those involved!
Music Therapy Service Users – 29th August, 1-2pm, online – Complete, thank you to those involved!

August 2024 – Focus Group
Calling all Employers of Art, Drama, and Music Therapy! online, Focus Group – Now completed!

Your voice is important to our discussion on the issues, concerns and developing needs of the modern workplace. Your view will aid the important career development strands of our commission, inform our curricula innovations and review, and help promote a clear message to the public on the great work being done, and where the professions are developing for the benefit of service users. Join our focus group this month, be compensating for your time, and aid our next steps!

Employers and stakeholders – 29th August, 9-10am, online – Complete, thank you to those involved!