Submission guidance

Thank you for considering writing an article for InSight.  To submit an article, please follow the below guidance.

Informed consent

Authors are advised that they need to follow legal requirements about data protection law and obtain informed consent from clients if their images or details are included in an article, even if they are anonymised. Fully informed consent should be obtained before submission for publication in InSight, on our website, and across our social media platforms.


Templates and requirements

InSight is not an academic publication and submissions can be written in a style less formal than for peer-reviewed journals. However, authors must ensure to meet the requirements outlined in the appropriate template below when submitting.

Book review template

Spotlight template


How to submit

If you are interested in writing an article that does not follow one of the above templates, please email us first to check it is something we would be interested in publishing. We do not publish practice papers or research papers.

If following one of our templates, please send all submissions to


  • Spring issue – 1 February
  • Summer issue – 1 May
  • Autumn issue – 1 September
  • Winter issue – 1 November

Editing and copyright

We reserve the right to edit or amend articles for length and content or to refuse them at our discretion. Original articles and other contributions published in InSight may be reproduced only with permission from the British Association of Art Therapists and the named author.