Ready to return to practice


Ready to return to your art therapy practice? Natasha Pisarski, the Return to Practice National Programme Lead from NHS England (NHSE) tells you how.

Are you interested in returning to the profession you love? Or do you know someone who is? You might be surprised by how simple the process is and how much support is available. In this article, I’ll talk you through how to do it and how the Return to Practice programme can support you.

The NHS England Return to Practice Programme

The NHS England Return to Practice (RTP) programme, launched in 2017, supports former registrants to regain their HCPC registration and bring their skills back to their profession.

This is something to celebrate and each returning professional makes a valuable contribution.

Sheila, who has recently returned to work as an art therapist, shares her experience:

I was worried that during my time away from the profession, things would have moved on. I was particularly concerned that I would be lacking in experience compared to other art therapists and find it more difficult to get a job. My main source of support was the Return to Practice team who helped me navigate the process and find that all-important placement experience which built my confidence back up. Before being linked up with the team I had struggled for a year, but with their support things fell into place

Sheila, art therapist

What do you need to do?

If you are registered with the HCPC and have been out of the profession for less than two years, no additional study or work experience is required. You can apply for relevant jobs straight away.

If you are an art therapist who has been off the register for more than two years, you’ll need to update your knowledge and skills via the Return to Practice process. This also provides an opportunity to build your confidence as you prepare to re-enter the workplace.

What does the Return to Practice programme offer you?

You’ll receive:

  • expert support via phone or email while you return to the register
  • financial support
  • support to make local connections and find supervised practice
  • peer support through a closed Facebook group
  • access to commissioned programmes, such as the Virtual Learning Programme for HCPC returners, which can be accessed at a time and place that suits you.

Return to practice requirements are flexible and self-directed, allowing you, as a returning professional, the autonomy to update your knowledge and skills in a way that best suits your personal circumstances. You can achieve this through supervised practice, private study, or formal education.

Find out more

For further information and resources, you can visit the Return to Practice programme website. You can also contact the NHSE Return to Practice programme team at:

We are looking forward to supporting you as you return to your profession!

Find out more

Support in Wales

Find out more about support in Wales on the Health Education and Improvement Wales website.

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Support in Scotland

For support in Scotland, you can contact Peter Glover at NHS Education for Scotland, Allied Health Professions Programme by emailing: