Audio-image recordings

Audio-image recordings aim to capture service user views of what changes, and the mechanisms that may cause change, in art therapy. Audio-image recordings were first presented to our members at our AGM in 2011 by Dr Neil Springham who developed this novel contribution to art therapy practice and research.

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Our members can use the below guidance and templates to support you in making audio-image recordings free of charge, but copying or distributing is not permitted. Any unauthorised use may lead to prosecution.

Examples of audio-image recordings

The audio-image recordings on our website outline the experiences of service users. The participants have given full permission for these audio-image recordings to be published and used. You may find them helpful in assuring teams if they have concerns about using audio-image recordings.

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Also of interest

You may also be interested in watching our recorded free CPD on using audio-image recordings in art therapy practice and research with Nicola Kennell, Catriona MacInnes, and Dr Ania Zubala. You can also download the slides for this presentation.

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