Free CPD for members: Mastering the art of creating your ‘find an art therapist’ profile

With over 83,000 annual visitors to our website, discover insider tips for how you can elevate your professional profile and attract clients effectively. Don't miss this chance to stand out in the crowd.

Date & Time

4 July 2024 (5-7pm)

Who this event is for

Members only


Free event



Cancellation terms

Free event

Free CPD for members: Mastering the art of creating your ‘find an art therapist’ profile

With over 83,000 annual visitors to our website, discover insider tips for how you can elevate your professional profile and attract clients effectively. Don't miss this chance to stand out in the crowd.

What is the ‘find an art therapist ‘ tool?

Our ‘find an art therapist’ tool is an essential search function available to the public. But for this service to be of value, the information provided by you through your member profile needs to be on-point and tailored to your specific audience to get the best possible results.

What you will learn

This free CPD event for our members will highlight how your profile can be optimised, and how it might be interpreted by people searching for a suitable art therapist. As part of the session, we will explore:

  • What people are really looking for
  • Tactical approaches to effectively promote your services and stand out in a competitive market
  • Establish what a great profile looks like and how to set one up
  • How to write engaging copy and create great profile pics
  • Any concerns relating to GDPR

This event is free and open to members only.


Sarah Rothwell and Louise Nazir

How to join

You don’t need to sign up! You can find the zoom link in the events forum in your memberzone.

Frequently asked questions