BAAT Cymru / Wales
BAAT Cymru Wales is a diverse group of art therapists who live or work in Wales and represent a range of clinical settings. The group aims to meet three times a year, using the opportunity to support each other, contribute to ongoing professional discussion, make a space for creative reflection and to engage in continued professional development.
The University of South Wales offers an MA Art Psychotherapy training, and trainees and staff actively participate in the regional group.
Art therapists in Wales join with drama and music therapists to make up the Wales Arts Therapies Advisory Forum (WATAF) and WATAF NHS, where members discuss issues that are pertinent to the arts therapies in Wales and collectively respond to Welsh Government consultation documents. Elected representatives within the group contribute to the Wales Therapies Advisory Committee (WTAC). Through working together, members have a professional voice within the Welsh Government.
For more information, please contact: