How to submit nominations and proposals for our annual general meeting

Council members and the Chair

If you are a full member, you can submit nominations for the Chair, and for Council members. Elections will be held at our annual general meeting.

This year we have three Council member positions for election, and the position of Chair.

We would welcome nominations from communities that may be underrepresented in our profession, and from across the UK, so the full range of voices can be welcomed and celebrated in our work.

The deadline has now passed for all nominations.

Council member: role description

Council member: nomination form

Chair: role description

Chair: nomination form


Member proposals

Full members can also submit proposals for Council’s consideration. If a proposal is passed by members at the AGM, it will then be considered by Council.

While Council will carefully consider and respond to all member proposals that are passed at the AGM, they are not binding on Council, as Council is ultimately responsible for the organisation, its sustainability and its compliance with statutory requirements and legislation.

The deadline has now passed for all proposals.

Proposal form