Our representatives
In this list you will find who from our staff team or Council represents the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) at forums, networks, professional groups and coalitions.
Professional Standards Authority
- Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
- Strategic: Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT and Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- HCPC Liaison: Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT
- Prof Bodies Forum (AHP): Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- Education Liaison: Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT and Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- HCPC PB Education Leads Group: Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- HCPC Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Forum: Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
Allied Health Professions Federation (AHPF)
- Board: Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT
- Health and Care Professions Education Leads Meeting: Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- AHPF Scotland: Sinead Braiden
- AHPF Northern Ireland: Eileen McCourt / Caryl Sibbett, Council Member, BAAT
- AHF Cymru: Sarah Challenger
- NHS England & AHP Professional Bodies Education & Networking: Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- Psychological Professions Network: Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT
- Simulation and Immersive Technologies: Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- Digital Innovation in Health and Care Education Group: Claire Louise Vaculik, Chair, BAAT
- NHS Leads Scotland: Sinead Braiden, Council Member, BAAT
- NHS England Arts Therapies Leads Strategic Forum: Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT; Francesca Nouruzi, Council Member, BAAT; and Liliana Montoya de la Cruz, Council Member, BAAT
Wales Arts Therapies Advisory Forum (WATAF)
- Sarah Challenger, Council Member, BAAT
Advisory Committee of the Allied Health Professions (ACAHP) to the Department of Health Northern Ireland / Minister of Health
- Caryl Sibbett, Council Member, BAAT
Memorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy
- Catherine Stevens, Council Member, BAAT
Climate Minds Coalition
- Gary Fereday, Chief Executive, BAAT