Animation and embodied story-making in clinical settings – NEW COURSE

Stop-frame animation is a powerful medium to use in clinical settings, allowing participants to tell difficult and traumatic stories. This course will give you a foundation in using animation and story-making from experiential, theoretical and practical perspectives. We will explore the idea of embodied narrative, how animation involves making things, how it can help order chaotic narratives and how it gives participants directorial control.

Friday 8th & Saturday 9th July 2022, 10:00 - 16:00 each day
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenor: Tony Gammidge

Working with trauma: Art Therapy & EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing)

This introductory course will provide an insight into EMDR methods and signposts to qualifying training pathways. Specific relaxation techniques and coping strategies will also be demonstrated to enable practitioners to help calm people in immediate distress and teach them to self-soothe. These techniques can be used to help individuals and groups, clients and staff, adults and children.

Saturday 16th July 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenor: Lee Simmons

Working with looked after children and their families: complex trauma and art therapy

This course is open to all qualified art therapists who want to work safely, ethically and effectively with children who are looked after, on Special Guardianship orders, in kinship care or adoption. The aim is for participants to gain knowledge of current good practice in this field and be familiar with the specific contributions art therapists can make when working with complex trauma.

Friday 9th & Saturday 10th September 2022, 10:00 - 16:00 each day
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before

Convenors: Anthea Hendry & Katie Wrench

Identifying and exploring cultural bias and how it impacts on practice

This course is open to all suitably qualified and trainee professionals and aims to equip practitioners with an understanding of how cultural bias can affect psychological therapy. The course will allow a safe space to explore why #BlackLivesMatter is not just a hashtag, through consideration of insights and examples of cultural indifference, as viewed from the perspective of a Black British Art Therapist.

Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th September 2022, 10:00 - 16:00 each day
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent the day before.

Convenor: Jacqueline E McKoy-Lewens

Creating a strong art therapy presence on social media – professionally, ethically, creatively – NEW COURSE

This workshop presents content for art therapists to consider when creating and maintaining a strong digital presence by using social media professionally, ethically and creatively. Digital boundaries, e-professionalism, the impact of one’s digital footprint, introduction to ethical frameworks and strategies for promoting a presence online which aligns with one’s work, passions, values and career interests will be examined.

Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th September 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 (each day)
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenor: Gretchen Miller

Child development and its significance in Art Therapy across the life cycle

At birth, a baby’s brain is a quarter of the size of an adult brain. It doubles in the first year and is 90% formed by age five. A newborn has all of the neurons required for the rest of their life, but it is the connections between these cells that make the brain work. This course will explore child development from a trauma-informed, biopsychological and attachment perspective.

Saturday 15th October 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenor: Mary-Rose Brady

Working with trauma: Art Therapy & EMDR (Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing)

This introductory course will provide an insight into EMDR methods and signposts to qualifying training pathways. Specific relaxation techniques and coping strategies will also be demonstrated to enable practitioners to help calm people in immediate distress and teach them to self-soothe. These techniques can be used to help individuals and groups, clients and staff, adults and children.

Saturday 29th October 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenor: Lee Simmons

Supervision training

Supervisory tasks may include clinical or managerial roles or both and supervisees may be experienced art therapists or students in training. The course will provide theoretical input by looking at different models of supervision.

Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd November 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenors: Val Huet & Janet De Heger

Setting up in private, sessional or independent practice

This training day is for experienced art psychotherapists as well as newly qualified art psychotherapists who are thinking of becoming self-employed therapists as private, sessional or independent practitioners. The aim of the course is to offer art therapists all the practical tips they need to set up their practice and to prepare them for this work.

Saturday 12th November 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenors: Anthea Hendry & Themis Kyriakidou

Therapeutic treasure box: techniques for facilitating resilience & affect regulation in children with developmental trauma

This training draws on the attachment, loss, stress and trauma theory base, with a focus, however, on translating the findings into day-to-day child protection and children in care case work and practical tips. Once theory and context have been established on day one, days two and three will discuss and try out a range of creative and expressive techniques and tools.

Wednesday 16th – Friday 18th November 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenor: Karen Treisman

Mindfulness-based Art Therapy: Approaches and applications

This course is open to qualified Art Therapists and Art Therapy trainees only. Mindfulness-based art therapy (MBAT) is an integrated approach combining mindfulness teaching and practice with self-expression using art materials and a therapeutic relationship. MBAT is practised with groups and individuals. This course will describe some of the theoretical origins of MBAT and help develop your understanding of mindfulness practices and their potential integration with art therapy.

Friday 18th & Saturday 19th November 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenor: Nicky Roland

Facebook: @arttherapyandmindfulness
Instagram: @arttherapyandmindfulness1

Perinatal parent-infant Art Therapy: From pregnancy to two years old

This course introduces art therapy practice within perinatal parent–infant mental health. Adult mental health throughout the perinatal period and infant personality development are described in a theoretical context. The course explores perinatal trauma, including sub-fertility, baby loss and how mental health illness can impact parents and the parent–infant relationship. Treatment planning, safeguarding risk and infant observation using video analysis are demonstrated using clinical material.

Saturday 26th November 2022, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent once booking has closed.

Convenor: Diane Bruce

Peer review training (M)

A key task of the British Association of Art Therapists is to act as the learned society for the profession and the International Journal of Art Therapy is the primary record of this activity. The validity of what appears in the Journal rests on sound peer review, with the BAAT membership forming the basis of that peer system. The development of art therapy literature that is truly representative of contemporary practice rests on the widest possible involvement of BAAT members.

Thursday 19th January 2023, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenors: Members of the IJAT Board

Dyadic parent-child Art Psychotherapy training, Level 1

Dyadic parent-child Art Psychotherapy is a way of working which focuses directly on the child’s primary attachment relationship. The therapist does not become the child’s or the caregiver’s therapist but the relationship’s therapist. The aim of this two-day course is practical: to give art therapists what they need to feel confident and competent to work in this way. It will provide a rationale and basic principles and outline how to put these into practice.

Friday 27th & Saturday 28th January 2023, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenors: Anthea Hendry & Katie Wilson

The power of language: the words we use and the way we story people

The power of language, the words we use, and how we story people: this powerful and important workshop explores and reflects on the words which we use in conversations, in therapy, in notes/recordings and in places like meetings and client consultations. We look at the words we use to talk about people and describe them, as well as in talking with other professionals. We think about how the way we speak can influence and impact.

Saturday 4th February, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenor: Karen Treisman

Art Therapy with groups of children

This course will support your understanding of what you need to consider in order to set up and begin facilitating Art Therapy groups with primary-aged children.

Friday 24th February 2023, 10:00 - 16:00
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenor: Amanda Dudley

Haptic perception in art therapy: using clay for implicit repair of developmental deficits – NEW COURSE

Haptic perception, touching objects with our hands, is the most fundamental of human experiences. This course teaches practitioners about haptic perception in art therapy, where using the hands and touch therapy with clay can offer diagnostic insights and implicit repair of developmental deficits.

Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th March 2023, 10:00 - 12:30
Delivered via Zoom; information for the day & invite to join will be sent a week before.

Convenor: Cornelia Elbrecht