Free CPD for members: audio image recordings in art therapy practice and research
Audio Image Recordings (AIRs) are a powerful assessment tool unique to art therapy. They are capable of capturing insights of a depth difficult to achieve through other methods. This session will help you consider if and how you might introduce AIRs safely and effectively in your practice and its evaluation.
Free CPD for members: audio image recordings in art therapy practice and research
Audio Image Recordings (AIRs) are a powerful assessment tool unique to art therapy. They are capable of capturing insights of a depth difficult to achieve through other methods. This session will help you consider if and how you might introduce AIRs safely and effectively in your practice and its evaluation.
What are audio image recordings?
AIR is an art therapy-specific evaluation method, involving a client sharing an image of their artwork and responding to questions asked by their art therapist, which is captured in a simple voice-over-image video.
It’s a valuable research method that gives a unique insight into a client’s experience and at the same time enhances the therapeutic process.
What will you learn
The session covers:
- Brief introduction to AIRs
- Case studies illustrating how AIRs were used in an online art therapy pilot
- Practical tips on making AIRs with clients
Event details
How to join: Members can find the Zoom joining link in the memberzone forum.
You do not need to register for this event.
Certificates will not be provided.
The event will be recorded and made available for all members to watch in the memberzone
Nicola Kennell
Catriona MacInnes
Ania Zubala
Frequently asked questions
Bookings for our online Introduction, Foundation, ARTiculate, CPD and Masterclass courses close one week before the start date, at 10.00am.
Joining instructions and materials will be available in your Memberzone, under bookings, once bookings have closed. A reminder email will be sent out to delegates one week before the course.
It is the attendees’ responsibility to check they have access to the joining instructions before the course. Contacting the office on the day or evening before the start date will not always be responded to prior to the course starting.
Employer funded bookings are available for our online Introduction, Foundation, ARTiculate, CPD and Masterclass courses.
These bookings can be made on our website by paying by card at no extra cost. The booking should be made on the delegate’s account as we will need their contact details for the course. If they don’t have an account they can create one for free here. The employer will be required to provide their credit/debit card details to complete the payment. Please also tick the employer funded option at checkout.
If your employer wants to pay by invoice, you will need to complete our Invoice Details Request – Course Booking Form, and return it to us along with a PO number. Please note, we cannot accept the form without a PO number. Please note, there is an additional £20 admin fee for bookings via invoice.
If you need further assistance, please contact us at
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