Life story work with looked after and adopted children and young people

Therapeutic life story work is an intervention commonly offered to children and young people in care and adoptees. This course offers a helpful framework for practice to augment therapists’ existing skills and knowledge in this field.

Book tickets

Date & Time

Friday 27 – Saturday 28 June 2025

10am - 4pm

Who this event is for

Open to all suitably qualified and trainee professionals


Non-members: £450

Associate members: £310

Full members
Employed: £280
Underemployed: £260
Unemployed/retired: £230

Trainee members: £230

Please create a free booking account if you don't have one or are not a member.


Online via Zoom

Life story work with looked after and adopted children and young people

Therapeutic life story work is an intervention commonly offered to children and young people in care and adoptees. This course offers a helpful framework for practice to augment therapists’ existing skills and knowledge in this field.

What is life story work?

The role of life story work is to help children and young people who have experienced disruption to their relationships and family systems to understand their journey and develop a coherent narrative account of their lives. Where their history remains fragmented it can be difficult to develop a coherent sense of self without support from a trusted adult to do so.

What you will learn

The course offers an insight into how practitioners, who are already supporting children and young people who have experienced developmental trauma, can use life story work in their practice.

The course will include:

  • Statutory guidance for life story work with looked after and adopted children and young people
  • A 3-stage model for practice:
      • helping it feel safe enough to go back
      • nurturing connectedness, belonging and identity
      • information sharing and integration
  • How to involve parents/carers
  • Creative direct work tools
  • Sharing difficult information with children

How you will learn

Learning will be through presentations, case examples, videos, discussion in break out groups, experiential exercises and art making.


Katie Wrench

Frequently asked questions