International Journal of Art Therapy:
Inscape ‑ Rating going up!

Alex McDonald
Susan Carr

Alex McDonald & Dr Susan Carr

We are delighted to announce that the International Journal of Art Therapy: Inscape (IJAT) rating is significantly increasing amongst other publications: it is now in the top half of publications within both the Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation categories of the SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR). This is the first time in the history of the journal that we have been ranked in the top half of both categories!

Why does this matter?

This is good news for practitioners, service users and researchers.

Journal ranking is widely used in academic circles in the evaluation of an academic journal's impact and quality. Journal rankings are intended to reflect the place of a journal within its field, the relative difficulty of being published in that journal, and the prestige associated with it.

Taylor & Francis have also calculated IJAT’s CiteScore (a new standard that gives a more comprehensive, transparent and current view of a journal’s impact) – we are very pleased that the journal’s score has doubled from 1.2 in 2018 to 2.3 in 2019.

Thank you to all the Authors, Associate Editors, Peer Reviewers and BAAT Members who have contributed to the publication and dissemination of IJAT papers to achieve this amazing outcome!

We look forward to receiving more submissions using the brand new IJAT templates for research papers and practice papers here

Looking forward to continuing to work with you all on further developing the journal,

Alex McDonald & Dr Susan Carr, IJAT Co-Editors-in-Chief

Current IJAT calls for papers

Online Art Therapy here

IJAT Prizes 2020-2022: New Practitioner Art Therapy Practice Paper & Early Career Researcher Art Therapy Research Paper here

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